First Indian American lawyer confirmed as U.S. Court Judge . May 2013 .

Srikanth Srinivasan (widely known as Sri) scripted history as the first South Asian judge confirmed to America’s second highest court. He is the first new judge to be confirmed to the DC circuit in 7 years.

Described as a “trailblazer” by the US President Barack Obama, Srinivasan’s nomination to the US Court of Appeals for the District of Colombia Circuit, was unanimously approved by the bi-partisan voting of the Senate by 97 in favour.

Srinivasan began his legal career by serving as a law clerk for Judge J Harvie Wiekinson on the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth circuit from 1995-1996. He was a very successful litigator for close to two decades prior to serving as the Principal Deputy Solicitor in the US.

Srikanth Srinivasan received his BA with honours and distinction in 1989 (Stanford University) and his JD (Juris Doctor) with distinction in 1995 from Sanford Law School. He was elected to ‘Order of the Coif’ and served as editor of the Stanford Law Review.He also holds an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

For his work he received recongnition – the Attorney General’s Award for Excellence in ‘Furthering US National Security in 2003’ and the Office of the Secretary of Defence ‘Award for Excellence’ in 2005.

Chandigarh born, 46 years old legal luminary Srinivasan grew up in Lawrence, Kansas. He immigrated to the US at the age of four and his family settled in Lawrence, Kansas. His father was a mathematics Professor at the University of Kansas and his mother taught at the Kansas City Art Insititute. His father hails from Mela Thiruvenkatanathapuram (near Thirunelveli), Tamil Nadu.