Discovery. New Species of Primate, White Cheeked Macaque Discovered in Arunachal Pradesh

A group of scientists from Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) has discovered a new species of primate, White Cheeked Macaque, from Arunachal Pradesh.

After extensive survey, we have multiple evidences that includes two skin samples and a juvenile White Cheeked Macaque that was found in the house of a local villager that confirms our discovery,” ZSI scientist Mukesh Thakur, who led the study said.

He added that ZSI will not only push for its inclusion in Wildlife Protection Act but will take up long term monitoring to demarcate its distribution boundary and population size.”It is very rare in present days when a mammal species is discovered. The discovery of smaller animals like amphibians and insects are quite common,” Thakur said.

The discovery has been published in the international journal “Animal Gene.”
