HISTORY: March 23rd, 1944 : Japanese Cross into Assam

During operations in this area our troops made a small-scale attack near Palam on March 20 in which a few prisoners and some equipment were taken.

In their counter-offensive across the river Chindwin, the Japanese raiding columns have continued to move to the west in the wild and mountainous district of the Somra Hills tracts.

At one or two places they have crossed the frontier into Manipur State, states an Allied war communique. At some points they are in contact with our advanced patrols. In the Chin Hills area, part of our forces have moved north from their most advanced positions to deal with the Japanese outflanking movements north of Tiddim.

On the North Burma front, the Chinese 22nd Division continue their steady drive southward from the Hakawng Valley to the Mogaung Valley and forward elements are fighting along the road south of the highest point can me pass over Jambu Bum. One Japanese prisoner and two anti-tank guns were captured on Jambu Bum, says an Allied war communique.

During operations in this area our troops made a small-scale attack near Palam on March 20 in which a few prisoners and some equipment were taken. Further to the north our patrols have been active and have inflicted casualties on the enemy. An attack was made on one Japanese position in which the enemy were driven out.

In the Kaladan Valley there has been a quiet 24 hours.

Jap Attack Repulsed

On March 21, the Japanese made a comparatively heavy attack on our positions in the area of the tunnels on the Maungdaw-Buthidaung Road. This attack was repulsed and our positions remained intact. On the following night the enemy made two attacks on other positions further to the south which were beaten off.

To the south of Buthidaung our troops have captured a small hill feature.

Heavy and medium bombers of the Strategic Air Force, Eastern Air Command, on the night of March 21-22 attacked Prome and other targets in, South and Central Burma. The night before, heavy bombers attacked Martaban and Moulmein.

Dive-bombers, fighter-bombers and fighters of the Tactical Air Force, on March 21, attacked objectives in the Chin Hills, Chindwin Valley, Arakan Mayu and Kaladan areas. Main targets were enemy positions and communications.

Long-range fighters on March 20 and 21 maintained their offensive against communications. In one attack, locomotive and rolling stock exploded, while another locomotive’s boilers blew up and a third was badly damaged.

Escorted medium bombers have destroyed the Meza Road bridge and knocked out part of the railway bridge.

From all these operations no Allied aircraft is missing.

source/content: hindustantimes.com (headline edited)