Tag Archives: ASI

NATIONAL: HERITAGE : ‘Indian Heritage’ App with details of 143 Monuments launched by ASI, to be updated in phases

The agency also unveiled a revamped ‘adopt a heritage’ scheme seeking collaboration with corporate houses for sprucing up surroundings of monuments and development of amenities.

Information about scores of notified and unprotected heritage sites including geo-tagged locations, public amenities and images will now be available to mobile phone users as the Archeological Survey of India (ASI) on Monday launched an app called Indian Heritage. On the occasion, the agency also unveiled a revamped ‘adopt a heritage’ scheme seeking collaboration with corporate houses for sprucing up surroundings of monuments and development of amenities.

In the beginning, details of 143 ticketed monuments under the jurisdiction of the Survey are available on the app. According to the ASI official, the app will subsequently be updated in phases with additional inputs pertaining to remaining 3,554 notified historical buildings and over 4,000 monuments which are under the control of state governments and union territory (UT) administration.

“The app will have state-wise details of monuments along with photographs, list of public amenities available, geo-tagged location and feedback mechanism for citizens. The users may also tell us about any lacuna or shortcomings they find at any site through the app. The app will enable common man to send information and images of any monument which is not in the list of protected structures of ASI or state. After proper vetting, the details will be added to the database,” said an official.

The ‘adopt a heritage’ scheme was launched in 2017 by the tourism ministry in 2017. The revised version introduced by the Survey aims for better maintenance of centrally protected heritage properties, creation of basic amenities and world-class additions in a transparent and time-bound manner.

The latest version is equipped with guidelines –dos and don’ts and leaner arrangement for approval of proposals for adoption of protected sites.

Corporate stakeholders can express their interest to take over a site for development of an amenity or amenities including cultural activities like light and sound show and interpretation centre.   

“Heritage is increasingly playing an important role not only in the cultural sphere of this country but also creating an evolved image in the making of a new India. Keeping that in perspective, we believe that heritage can’t be maintained solely by the ASI…hence we launched this scheme for enhancing visitors’ experience at any site,” said KK Basa, director general of the Survey.

An e-permission portal–www.asipermissionportal.gov.in–for obtaining permission for photography, filming and developmental projects on monuments was introduced on the occasion.

source/content: newindianexpress.com (headline edited)