Tag Archives: first woman President of Intel India

First woman President of Intel in India. 2012 .

Kumud M. Srinivasan is the first woman President of Intel in India, since its inception in 1997.

Kumud M Srinivasan

Kumud M Srinivasan


She is Vice President, Technology and Manufacturing Group . General Manager, Intel Architecture Group, and President Intel India.

Kumud Srinivasan did her her bachelor’s degree in economic from Calcutta University. Then went on to do her master’s degree in information and library studies, Syracuse University. She has completed doctoral coursework in information science at University of California, Berkeley. She is also a member of the Board of Advisors of the School of Information Studies in Syracuse University.

Intel with over 3,500 people, India is Intel’s largest non-manufacturing site outside of the US.

Photo: source: Intel Newsroom