Tag Archives: Indian Origin

INTERNATIONAL: SPACE : Indian-Origin Shawna Pandya on Virgin Galactic’s New Space Research Flight

Shawna Pandya, an Indian-origin physician and bioastronautics researcher, will be part of Virgin Galactic’s upcoming space research mission. This mission, a collaboration between Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic and the International Institute for Astronautical Sciences (IIAS), will be conducted aboard the Delta Class spaceship.

Pandya, a prominent figure in space medicine and Director of IIAS’ Space Medicine Group, joins a distinguished crew for this second research mission. The team includes Kellie Gerardi, Director of Human Spaceflight Operations at IIAS, and Norah Patten, an aeronautical engineer from Ireland. The mission follows the success of the ‘Galactic 05’ mission in November 2023, which tested novel healthcare technologies and analyzed fluid dynamics in microgravity to aid the design of future medical technologies and life-support systems.

Pandya, who has extensive experience in space research, was part of the first crew to test a commercial spacesuit in zero gravity in 2015. Her impressive record includes flying in 10 parabolic flight campaigns, amassing over 160 parabolas in micro- and reduced gravity conditions.

“We were thrilled with the results from our fluid cell experiment on ‘Galactic 05’, which demonstrated our ability to accurately predict fluid behavior in a weightless environment”, said Gerardi, reflecting on the mission’s success.

Sirisha Bandla, Virgin Galactic’s Vice President of Government Affairs and Research, emphasized the ongoing collaboration with IIAS. “We’re excited to continue our partnership with IIAS in an expanded capacity”, said Bandla, who flew on the ‘Unity 22’ spaceflight, becoming the second Indian-born woman to travel to space.

This mission highlights the growing role of Indian-origin researchers in advancing space science and technology, further solidifying international collaborations in space exploration.

source/content: siliconindia.com (headline edited)

INTERNATIONAL: U.K. / LEADERS: Meet Ranjeet Rathore, the First Indian Student to be Head of a Students’ Union in the UK

The pioneering student-politician on what it took to break the glass ceiling of colour and race in UK’s student politics.

While Indians across the world are still celebrating the appointment of Rishi Sunak as the first person of Indian-origin to become the Prime Minister of the UK, it is time to acknowledge the contributions of another political leader whose Indian roots have blossomed to great effect in Britain. Ranjeet Rathore, 26, from Jaipur, is the first Indian as well as the first international student to win their university student elections in the UK, a feat he achieved in June 2018. He held his presidential term till July 2020.

My Kolkata caught up with Rathore to take a deep dive into his political journey, his struggles and aspirations, the challenges of Indian students in the UK and more.

‘People like me were never meant to run for elections’

My Kolkata: Tell us more about how you won the students’ union election at Brunel University, London.

Ranjeet Rathore: My story is an unlikely one. People like me were never meant to run for elections. For people like myself it was never about planning our path to big universities or even to London. It was about keeping our heads low and surviving the tide because we are minorities here. Believing in the Indian teaching of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, which translates to “the world is one family”, I was able to get involved in my university and represent the voices of 15,000 students. 

How did everyone react when you became the first-ever Indian students’ union president in the UK?

The news of my victory was met with mixed reactions, as I wasn’t the traditional white candidate running for president. I wasn’t the “obvious choice”, as one would say! On one hand, the international student community was overjoyed with the results as “one of their own” had been elected. And on the other, there were people who had their doubts and were naysayers with respect to the results.

What are you currently involved in? 

I’m currently doing a balancing act of sorts, with my time split across two major things. First, community work, which I’m super passionate about, where I volunteer my time and resources with a number of charities from food banks to community trusts to working with youth organisations as well as the Indian High Commission. Second, working with the national political party — The Conservatives, in various capacities, from helping at the grassroots with organising and mobilising campaigns to advocating on a large scale when necessary. 

‘We can’t expect politics to change if we leave it to the same old people to run it’

How did you get interested in student politics in the UK? What are the challenges of being a student politician of colour in the UK?

Initially, I didn’t believe politics was for me. But we can’t expect politics to change if we leave it to the same old people to run it. Politics is for everyone. I’m a big believer in the fact that we need leaders who understand what it’s like to live like us, to face the everyday issues we face. That is why I got into politics. To give our youth and our communities a voice. 

The challenges of being a youth leader of colour are many. From systemic oppression to being up against elitist groups to being treated as a second-class citizen. 

What is your view of the political affiliations of the student community in the UK? Are they inclined more towards Labour or the Conservatives? Do student affiliations fluctuate a lot depending on demography and/or ethnicity?

There are both types of affiliations (towards the Conservatives and Labour) that prevail in the UK. Demographics and socio-economic factors play a major role in deciding which side you lean. Some universities and campuses are very vocal and Labour-leaning. Some universities are liberal but have other political views. With time and age, students get more clarity on what the right affiliation is for them as individuals. Regardless of political affiliation, I believe quality education should be the key focus. With the right education, students and adults in general will make more informed political decisions.

‘I was a volunteer campaigner for Team Boris, pulling in the masses to come out and campaign’

What did your work with Boris Johnson’s team entail?

Perhaps the highlight of my work so far came during the two-election season we saw in 2019, one being the snap elections and the second being the general elections. I was a volunteer campaigner for Team Boris, pulling in the masses to come out and campaign. Our work involved facilitating a wide range of conversations, developing strategies to drive change in the boroughs and beyond, delivering projects, resources and creating awareness about important causes through public engagements and door-to-door campaigning.

What are your long-term plans for UK politics? Do you ever plan to join politics in India?

There’s this famous saying by Marc Anthony, “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” I plan to carry on doing what I love doing for the community. There are general elections in the UK in 18 months’ time, and if during the lead up to it, the right opportunity comes along, I’ll try to do justice to whatever role I’m given in the UK’s political landscape. In terms of Indian politics, I plan to be a cheerleader of India’s economic growth and support its young leaders by getting more involved in shaping the nation. With India assuming the presidency of G20, I am leading projects for Youth G20 from the UK to discuss and debate global challenges and policy recommendations that people would like G20 leaders to take forward. 

‘I hope Sunak provides more opportunities to international students, especially Indians’

How do you envision the UK-India relationship developing considering Rishi Sunak is now the Prime Minister of the UK?

Sunak himself summarised it quite well when he said that the UK-India relationship should be a “two-way exchange”. This will benefit both the economies, especially when it comes to collaborating on big projects such as the India-UK Free Trade Agreement. I also hope it provides more opportunities to international students, especially Indians, since I’ve always been an advocate for the post-study work visa in the UK for Indian students. Overall, under Sunak, I think the future is immensely bright for the exchange of knowledge and business between both countries. 

Do you think the UK’s current policies are doing enough to battle systemic racism against Indians?

To battle systemic racism against Indians or anyone, the most important thing to do is to call it out. There are structural problems with race within our communities. A lot of groundwork is being laid to address this issue. The government has formed an Equalities Office, whose entire purpose is to eradicate systemic racism. From decolonising the curriculum to workplace changes to reformation of the criminal justice system, there’s a lot that’s being done.

‘The rightful country as far as the Kohinoor goes is India’

Following Sunak’s appointment, there was even more talk of the UK giving back the Kohinoor and which nation would be entitled to get it should that happen. What’s your take?

In August, London’s Horniman Museum agreed to return 72 stolen Nigerian artefacts, including the Benin Bronzes (a group of sculptures made of brass and bronze), taken over a hundred years ago. So, following the same precedent, the rightful country as far as the Kohinoor goes is India. 

What are the biggest social issues or challenges Indians face in the UK that you are trying to solve?

Indians in the UK work very hard, but the barriers to success are very high. From colourism to  systemic racism, from mental health being a taboo to housing issues to lack of  social mobility, it’s a long list. A lot of these come from the systemic hierarchies which have been embedded since colonialism began. My work to address these issues includes working on a race and equality charter with my university, lobbying for more BAME (Black, Asian and minority ethnic) jobs and making Indians more aware about the resources they have available that can help them succeed. 

source/content: telegraphindia.com/mykolkata headline edited)

GLOBAL: LEADERS: Leo Varadkar begins second inning as Irish Prime Minister

Varadkar has Indian roots as his father Ashok is from Maharashtra and his mother Miriam is Irish. He is also amongst the few openly gay leaders of the world.

Smooth handover of power midway in coalition deals is a risky proposition in this part of the world, but not in Ireland as Leo Eric Varadkar was sworn in as Ireland’s prime minister on Saturday. This is his second stint as PM; he first occupied the hot seat in 2017.

The 43-year-old Varadkar is an Irish Fine Gael leader who served as deputy PM and minister for enterprise in the outgoing government since 2020. He succeeded Michael Martin, who will function as deputy PM under Varadkar. Eighty-seven members of Irish Parliament voted to elect Varadkar as PM, while 62 were against it.

On June 26, 2020, a first-ever coalition government was formed that comprised Fine Gael, Fianna Fail and the Green Party. As part of the arrangement, Fianna Fáil leader Michael Martin was to hold office of PM until December 16 and then hand over the baton to Varadkar.

Varadkar has Indian roots as his father Ashok is from Maharashtra and mother Miriam is Irish. He is also amongst the few openly gay leaders of the world and lives with his partner Matthew Barrett, who is a qualified medical practitioner like Varadkar.

It was during a radio interview on January 18, 2015 (his 36th birthday) that Varadkar came out as being gay. “It’s not something that defines me. I’m not a half-Indian politician, or a doctor politician or a gay politician for that matter. It’s just part of who I am, it doesn’t define me, it is part of my character I suppose,” he had said. He has also been an advocate of same-sex marriage.

He has studied medicine and completed his internship at KEM Hospital in Mumbai. Varadkar has been regularly visiting India, specially Maharashtra. His last trip to India was in 2019 with his partner.Sources said Varadkar would like to visit India as soon as possible depending on scheduling issues since India is already caught up with various events around the G20.

There are many issues that Varadkar will have to deal with in his present term. These includes issues surrounding the Northern Ireland Protocol—the part of Brexit treaty which Varadkar negotiated in 2019 to keep the region within the European Union’s customs block—which remains unresolved.

Ireland is also grappling with a cost of living crisis, high energy bills and an influx of refugees from Ukraine.Housing will be one of the new government’s major policy priorities as it looks to deliver progress ahead of an election due by March 2025. The shortage of homes has been building up for a decade and with forecasts showing a decline in new construction next year. One of Varadkar’s first pieces of legislation will be a planning bill.

source/content: newindianexpress.com (headline edited)