Tag Archives: Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST)

NATIONAL: SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH: Single-Molecule Transistor Breakthrough in Nanoelectronics

In a major achievements for nanoelectronics , researchers at the S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences have developed a pioneering transistor design that utilises single molecules controlled by mechanical forces.

This innovative approach marks a significant departure from conventional electronic technologies, promising advances in ultra-compact electronics, quantum information processing, and advanced sensing applications.

The breakthrough centres on a technique known as the mechanically controllable break junction (MCBJ). This method diverges from traditional transistors by using mechanical forces to regulate electronic properties instead of electrical signals. To achieve this, the researchers employed a piezoelectric stack to precisely fracture a macroscopic metal wire, creating a nanometer-scale gap tailored for the insertion of single molecules, such as ferrocene.

Ferrocene, a molecule consisting of an iron atom sandwiched between two cyclopentadienyl rings, displays unique electrical behaviours when subjected to mechanical manipulation. This phenomenon occurs because the mechanical gating process alters the molecular structure, influencing how electrons are transported through the junction.

By exploiting this characteristic, the researchers have demonstrated how mechanical forces can control electronic behaviour at the molecular level, opening new avenues for advanced electronic devices.

Dr Atindra Nath Pal and Biswajit Pabi, leading the research team, found that the orientation of ferrocene molecules between silver electrodes plays a critical role in the transistor’s performance. Their experiments revealed that the device’s electrical conductivity could either be enhanced or diminished based on the specific alignment of the molecules. This discovery highlights the crucial impact of molecular geometry on electronic properties and device functionality.

In further studies, the researchers investigated the use of gold electrodes in combination with ferrocene at room temperature. The results were remarkable: the transistor exhibited a low resistance of approximately 12.9 kΩ, which is about five times the quantum of resistance.

This is notably lower than the typical resistance found in molecular junctions, which averages around 1 MΩ. Such low resistance suggests the potential for developing highly efficient, low-power molecular devices that could revolutionise several technology sectors.

The implications of this breakthrough extend beyond traditional electronics. The ability to precisely control electron transport through single molecules could lead to the development of ultra-compact devices with applications in quantum computing, where managing electron flow with high precision is crucial.

Additionally, the advancements in sensing technology could benefit from the enhanced sensitivity and specificity provided by these molecular-scale devices.

This innovative approach also aligns with broader trends in the technology sector, where there is a growing focus on miniaturisation and energy efficiency. By harnessing mechanical forces to control electronic behaviour, researchers are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in nanoelectronics and paving the way for next-generation technologies that could reshape the digital landscape.

India is making significant headway in the field of Nanotechnology , with groundbreaking advancements in sensor technology and material science that promise to enhance healthcare, food safety, and environmental monitoring.

Recent advances in nanotechnology have led to highly sensitive sensors using Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) and 2D materials. These low-cost, point-of-care devices quickly detect health conditions, food safety parameters, and environmental pollutants.

Researchers from the Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST) have developed sensors that excel in accuracy and reliability, addressing critical needs in health, food safety, and environmental monitoring.

This achievement by researchers at the S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences represents a significant leap forward in the field of nanoelectronics. By integrating single molecules into transistor designs and controlling their properties through mechanical forces, the research team has set new standards for electronic devices.

As this technology evolves, it holds the promise of advancing multiple fields, including quantum information processing, ultra-compact electronics, and advanced sensing applications, heralding a new era of technological innovation.

source/content: opengovasia.com (headline edited)