Tag Archives: Umang Sharma – Princeton Day School

NATIONAL: INNOVATION for VISUALLY IMPAIRED : ### Umang Sharma, an 11th Grader, Creates Affordable Keyboard for the visually impaired using AI

Umang Sharma, a junior student of Class 11 at Princeton Day School, has developed an affordable keyboard for the visually impaired using artificial intelligence (AI). His interest in AI, robotics, and engineering, coupled with his passion for coding, led him to improve Braille technology with the help of experts. His success in creating this innovative keyboard is a result of his deep interest in computer building and technology.

Globally, around 284 million people are visually impaired, 39 million of whom are completely blind. A staggering 70% are unemployed, and 90% are illiterate, which significantly limits their opportunities. Umang’s journey began when he discovered that Braille keyboards cost over $7,000, a price he found to be unaffordable for many. Realizing the need for a cheaper alternative, he conducted research but found no better options.

A significant challenge faced by the visually impaired is the lack of access to technology, which contributes to high unemployment and illiteracy rates. Umang identified this as a vicious cycle, where the inability to afford technology like Braille keyboards prevents visually impaired individuals from securing jobs, yet employment is necessary to purchase such tools.

Current market solutions for Braille keyboards include audio keyboards built into operating systems, physical Braille devices, and one-time-use stickers for standard keyboards. After analyzing these options, Umang identified key issues, such as high cost, usability, and durability. He designed prototypes, consulted Braille experts, and made improvements to address these shortcomings.

The result is an affordable, user-friendly keyboard for the visually impaired, priced at just $10, and nearly free if donated keyboards are used. The keyboard utilizes 3D-printed keys that are durable and can be easily attached to any keyboard.

Umang presented his project at two workshops held at the National Blind Association, Delhi, and the Silver Lining Blind School, where visually impaired youths from underprivileged backgrounds tested the keyboard. The feedback confirmed the effectiveness of the design, particularly for blind students and young children learning Braille. The keyboard helped improve their typing speed and key recognition, proving to be a faster alternative compared to conventional keyboards that require pressing each key to find the right one.

The National Blind Association, Delhi, praised Umang’s efforts, and the Silver Lining Blind School expressed gratitude for his dedication and hard work in serving the visually impaired. Umang has donated over 20 keyboards and is working on providing more units, benefiting over 250 students.

Following this success, Umang plans to distribute his innovative Braille keyboards to blind schools globally and has founded a non-profit organization called “Zedable” to support his mission.

source/content: pressnote.in (headline edited)